
I am a doctoral candidate in Political Science at the University of Texas at Dallas.

My research focuses on human rights and climate change, specifically examining how human rights relate to and influence public opinion on climate change and climate change movements using survey experiment and text analysis. I am currently interested in the effect of framing climate change as a human rights issue on public perceptions, attitudes, and behavior toward climate change through a survey experiment.

I am a recipient of Adam Smith Fellowship of 2024 - 2025, awarded by Mercatus Center at George Maison University. In the Summer of 2023, I also participated in the project “International Exchange and Training for Human Rights Policy,” funded by the 100K Strong in the America Innovation Fund, in collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas and Universidad EAFIT in Medellín, Colombia.

My experience includes analyzing survey data in peer-reviewed journal and contributing to research on water sustainability, which has been published as a book chapter.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss my research further!